The owner of the TANGRAM product and the online platform PlatformX is Solviks, programske rešitve in poslovno svetovanje, d.o.o., 2000 Maribor, registration number: 6805426000 (hereinafter: Tangram product provider or. Solve-x), which operates in accordance with applicable legislation and these General Terms and Conditions for use.

Solve-x on PlatformX (hereinafter: platform) offers products that use modern architectural solutions with micro-services and ready-made support modules that enable fast and secure processing of infinite amounts of data. Tangram is one of the products that offers email builder that craft sophisticated email designs.

The use of the platform and Tangram website/product (www.tangram-x.net) is considered as the user's consent to the Terms and Conditions. Do not use the website or services if you do not agree. The services are available to all who agree with the Terms and Conditions, which are publicly available on Tangram website.

Solve-x is not responsible for any inconvenience or damage that may be caused to the user due to any incorrect, incomplete or otherwise inadequate data or services on platform and its product Tangram. Responsibility is completely excluded. Users use the content and products published on the platform at their own risk.


Solve-x maintains the platform and its product Tangram in such a way that it is generally available 24/7, but does not guarantee that it will operate continuously or without errors at all times.

Solve-x reserves the right to interrupt access due to maintenance work, which will usually take place at night and on weekends. Access may also be interrupted due to equipment failure or technical errors on the part of the Solve-x, internet providers, or equipment on the part of users, for which the Solve-x assumes no responsibility.

Solve-x is not liable for any damage or inconvenience arising from technical reasons to the user due to interruption of operation or disrupted access.

Liability for misinformation provided on this website and/or for any false or misunderstood content is excluded.

In order to access Tangram website/product, the user is obliged to provide appropriate computer equipment or a PC with an appropriate connection to the internet with a suitable web browser installed.

Solve-x advises users to install the latest software with all available updates for effective and safe use of all internet services, as well as in the case of access to the website and Tangram product, and to use appropriate communication equipment that complies with all security regulations

For any inconvenience or damage that may be caused to the users due to difficulties in accessing or using the website or Tangram product, which arise from inadequate equipment of the user or from inadequate use of this equipment by the user, Solve-x assumes no responsibility.


If the users register for free or register and buy monthly subscription, they are provided with access to the Tangram online tool, which enables the construction of email ("Email builder").

The users use the content on the website (www.tangram-x.net) and Tangram product at their own risk. Solve-x is not responsible for any inconvenience or damage that may be caused.

Tangram product is a visual interface to configure the design of the mail. The users generate email templates with Tangram product. The specifics of use are written in more detail in User manual.

Solve-x reserves the right to grant the user access to use the Tangram product within 24 hours of successful registration and paid subscription if chosen. Solve-x reserves the right to limit users' access to ask additional questions at any time in case of suspected abuse of the Tangram product.


The users can register by providing personal or other data (name, surname, name of the organization – it is not limited to company names, e-mail and password). Users agree upon registration with this Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. If consent is not given, the user cannot register.

Registered user is obliged to enter correct and true data about e-mail address and other personal data related to him/her and required by the registration process. Upon entering the required data, the user receives authorization link on e-mail that was provided. It is considered that the user has become familiar with this Terms and Conditions after completing the registration and agrees with them.

After entering and confirming all the required data, the user becomes a registered user and can use free version of the Tangram product.

As soon as Solve-x becomes aware of misuse, the e-mail address and password may be immediately disabled, without prior notification. The e-mail address and password remain active in the Solve-x's system for 6 months from the last login.

Solve-x is protecting personal data as required by applicable law. More information on personal data protection can be obtained in the "Privacy Policy" available at the link www.tangram-x.net/privacy-policy. User is also responsible for data protection by taking care of the security of his name, surname, password and payment data if given.


After registration user may use free version of the Tangram product as it is specified in current pricing list on the website. Usar may also use paid versions of Tangram product for free for 7 days since registration – free trial. After 7 days, if payment data is given, service is automatically charged for one month and will be automatically extended each month if not canceled. If payment data is not given, service would be automatically canceled after 7 days. Terms and Conditions apply to exactly the same extent as subscription version except provisions that relate to payment of the subscription.



The subscription to use the Tangram product is concluded with Solve-x (product owner).

Solve-x offers subscriptions on monthly basis for “team” or “enterprise” version as it is specified on the current pricing list on the website. Those services are payable and charged in accordance with the price list valid at the time.

More detailed information about the services offered is available on the website, where the offer of services is constantly updated and upgraded. The informative price list is published on the website.

The first subscription is paid at the conclusion of the subscription contract, based on a paid invoice through the online application Stripe - stripe.com. Stripe application, infrastructure payment interface, ensures full billing of services on Tangram website. Solve-x is not liable for any damages arising from that. Also, Stripe application owner is obliged to protect personal data regarding payment in accordance to GDPR regulations. Solve-x is not liable for any damage arising from that.

Invoices and any reminders for payments, are sent to the subscriber by e-mail. The subscriber is obliged to inform Solve-x of any changes to their address or registered office or other relevant information that is important for the subscription relationship.

The users can switch between Tangram versions (free, team and enterprise) only through sending e-mail to info@solve-x.net.

Termination of subscription

Subscription is concluded for a period of one month and is automatically renewed if the subscriber does not unsubscribe.

The termination of the subscription can be arranged by the user independently. However, if user want to delete account in its entirety, user can sent an e-mail to info@solve-x.net. After termination, Tangram service will be available to the subscriber for the remaining time of the monthly subscription until the next payment date.

Solve-x reserves the right to discontinue maintaining the Tangram product and stop providing services to users for business reasons. In such cases, it may unilaterally terminate the subscription agreement and is obliged to notify the subscriber thereof. In the written notice, Solve-x must provide the subscriber with the date of termination of services, which is also the termination of the subscription relationship, as well as all mutual rights and obligations.


Services provided by Tangram product does not offer any warranties, conditions, guarantees, expressed or implied, for any matter, including (but not limited to) operation, results, security, non-infringement, integration, uninterrupted use, features, expectations, satisfactory quality or suitability for any particular purpose.

Solve-x does not guarantee that Tangram product will be uninterrupted or error-free. In case of difficulties, Solve-x will try to correct them as soon as possible, but does not guarantee and is not liable for any damage or inconvenience arising from that. Solve-x also does not guarantee that Tangram product will meet the needs of users or work with all hardware or software and it is not liable for that.

Solve-x does not guarantee operation of Tangram product in case of use or integration with third party products and it is not responsible and liable for that.

Solve-x disclaims any liability, to the extent permitted by applicable law, for direct, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use or operation of the Tangram product, even if the user has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Solve-x shall not be liable for any failure or delay in the provision of the services, nor for contractual or non-contractual damages arising out of or in any way connected with this Terms and Conditions.

Solve-x shall also not be liable for loss of business, loss of profits, interruption of business, loss of business information or any other economic loss of the user.


The source code of Tangram product, all content of the website, including logos, images, text, graphics, sound and other intellectual property, is the exclusive property of Solve-x, and is subject to protection of intellectual property rights (both in terms of copyright and industrial property rights) as defined by the Slovenian legislation.

The user acquires all copyrights and intellectual property rights on templates created in Tangram product and may use it commercially.

Tangram product is owned by Solve-x, and by installing, downloading, or using the product, the user does not acquire any other intellectual property rights or other rights on the product, except those provided to the user by these Terms and Conditions. The user shall not make copies of the application, reverse engineer, modify or otherwise interfere with the product, lease the product or grant further sublicenses.


Solve-x reserves the right to terminate the offer of the services at any time or restrict access to www.tangram-x.net or to Tangram product at any time, without any reason, also if Solve-x believes that the user violates these Terms and Conditions or is misusing the product in any other way.

This Terms and Conditions may be changed by Solve-x at any time, in any way, in whole or in part, for any reason and without prior notice.

Solve-x has the right to periodically change the provisions of Terms and Conditions that may also reflect to changes in payment or the services, which they are obliged to publish on www.tangram-x.net.

The amended Terms and Conditions shall take effect on the day of their publication on the Tangram website.

Whenever you want to use the Tangram product, is advised to get acquainted with published Terms and Conditions to make sure you understand the Terms and Conditions that apply at that time. If you do not agree with the changes you have the right to stop using the services. Your continued use of Tangram product after the date on which the changes were published constitutes acceptance of the modified Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions are published on the www.tangram-x.net and shall enter into force on the day of their publication.

All disputes relating to this Terms and Conditions, shall be settled by Slovenian Court of Law in Maribor in accordance with the Slovenian law.

For general support, you can contact the company via the email address info@solve-x.net.

Published on the 06.03.2024


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